About Us


To promote and support the adoption and spread of Conservation Agriculture (no-till) systems in the United Kingdom

Main objects:

The primary objects of the Association are:

  1. 1. Mobilize maximum political, policy and institutional support in the public, private and civil sectors for the promotion and mainstreaming of CA.
  2. 2. Facilitate the development of conducive public policies and institutional support to promote and sustain the transformation of conventional tillage agriculture towards CA.
  3. 3. Facilitate the exchange of information, ideas and techniques between members about CA systems and practices.
  4. 4. Help members to improve their own farming through training, information provision and adoption of new skills related to CA systems and practices.
  5. 5. Support or develop studies and trials which increase the understanding of CA systems and practices.
  6. 6. Promote CA systems as widely as possible across the agriculture industry.
  7. 7. Promote the development of CA education, research and training programmes, as well as CA organizations.

Officers of the Association.

  • Chairman: Mr. Tony Reynolds, CA Farmer
  • Vice-Chairman: Prof. Amir Kassam OBE, FRSB, PhD
  • Secretary: Mr. Tony Reynolds, CA Farmer
  • Treasurer: Mr. Edward Gent, CA Farmer
  • Membership: Ms. Tessa Patrick, BSc (Hons) Agric.
  • Communication: Mr. Samuel Patrick, CA Farmer
  • Technical Officer: Mr. Tony Gent, CA Farmer
  • Events Officer: Mr. Chris Renner, CA Farmer

Secretariat address:

  • Thurlby Grange Farms
  • Thurlby, Bourne
  • Lincolnshire PE10 0EA
  • United Kingdom
  • E-mail:
  • Website: www.conservation-agriculture.uk